
Classes are deeply meditative, maintaining & being aware

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Our Yoga Classes


Mysore Class

Mysore Style is the traditional way to learn the Astanga practice as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, in Mysore. The class is not “led” as a whole but rather each student receives a personalized guidance…

Claudia Chambers

Trainer & Guru

Astanga Led Classes

Mysore Style is the traditional way to learn the Astanga practice as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, in Mysore. The class is not “led” as a whole but rather each student receives a personalized guidance…

Claudia Chambers

Trainer & Guru

Vinyasa Classes

Mysore Style is the traditional way to learn the Astanga practice as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, in Mysore. The class is not “led” as a whole but rather each student receives a personalized guidance…

Claudia Chambers

Trainer & Guru

Yoga Basic Classes

Mysore Style is the traditional way to learn the Astanga practice as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, in Mysore. The class is not “led” as a whole but rather each student receives a personalized guidance…

Claudia Chambers

Trainer & Guru

Hatha Classes

Mysore Style is the traditional way to learn the Astanga practice as taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, in Mysore. The class is not “led” as a whole but rather each student receives a personalized guidance…

Claudia Chambers

Trainer & Guru

Images From Our Center



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Mauris iaculis porttitor posuere.Praesent id metus massa, utblandit odio. Proin quis tortor.


Mauris iaculis porttitor posuere.Praesent id metus massa, utblandit odio. Proin quis tortor.


Mauris iaculis porttitor posuere.Praesent id metus massa, utblandit odio. Proin quis tortor.


Mauris iaculis porttitor posuere.Praesent id metus massa, utblandit odio. Proin quis tortor.

Free Trial Class

Vivamus hendrerit arcu sed erat molestie sirit vehicula. Sed auctor neque eu tellus rhoncus eleifend scipitur estuired.

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The physical environment is the place where every dimension of the brand can be experienced in its purest form. We are globally renowned for our strength in all areas of interior.

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PHONE+1 (755) 564 84 12+1 (311) 532 21 17